1. Run the Anaconda Prompt as Adm.

  2. Update conda (without admin privileges, it will not work).

    conda update -n base -c defaults conda

    <aside> 💡 Successful messages are:

    Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: done Executing transaction: done


  3. Use the following commands to:

    1. Create a new Conda environment, opensim_env

      conda create -n opensim_env python=3.11 numpy 
    2. Activate the environment

      conda activate opensim_env
  4. Install the opensim packages by running (from OpenSim 4.5.1, OpenSim Moco is included):

    conda install -c opensim-org opensim
  5. Test if the installation works by running:

    >> import opensim as osim
    >> osim.GetVersionAndDate()
    >> quit()

    <aside> 💡 Successful messages are:

    >>> osim.GetVersionAndDate() 'version 4.5.1, build date 09:40:37 Jul 26 2024’


  6. The next step is to set up an IDE. You can use VS Code or Pycharm, but the installation steps are the same regardless of your OS.

Previous step:

2) Install Anaconda (Windows)

Next step:

Setup Pycharm or

Setup VS Code